
Freitag, 4. September 2015

Stalker,My best friend has one!

Stalker,My best friend has one!
Actually ,I thought they'd only exsist in real life but apparently i was wrong. I have been a victim of Stalking myself.They're always trying to land on my sim even though the security system throughs them out they seem to enjoy staying underwater close by.
 Or they follow you in clubs when you're tying to have fun.Nothing is too embarrassing for them it seems.Just Imagine it's An Adult someone who might be a Mother or a Father who allows anyone to see their true depths of "fuckedupness". These stalkers will write you about nonsense. Or they will bother the person you are with,maybe your date. They'll threaten you and they'll say don't stick around this person.
We know Stalkers are people with low self-esteem and they see themselves as victims.
They don't understand that they are actually doing the complete opposite of changing something.The person they are after will hate their stalkers,but they don't seem to get it.
I personally "unlike" people who will go after their ex-partners. They apparently don't want their ex to have a new life. They only think about themselves and this kind of behavour is wrong in both worlds SL&RL.
In many states around the world stalking is against the law. I think everybody who has a stalker should get in touch with martin Linden. Provide Chat history,Witness statements and such to get an IP-Ban. So It really is impossible to stalk again.
Dear Stalkers, The Image you are showing to other people here in SL truly gives an in depth look at how you are and how you behave.Take a look into the mirror.Ask yourself "Is that really me? An adult person doing this "
If you don't like what you see,Get Help and be an Adult and do the Adult thing.
Because the way you show yourself in SL is also the way you show yourself in RL.
Think about your life,get help.

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